Thursday, October 15, 2009

Heading home

So.. here I'm.. wrapping up my internship in the IC.. my flight leaves in a week.. heading to Amman..

I remember my first week here.. when i went to my NGO where i am supposed to work.. it's a nice place.. close to my accommodation.. and that's where I had my first and worst shock..
instead of working on peer education.. which will give me the experience of creating and conducting an educational environment..
and instead of working in high schools and universities.. which would give me the experience of handling adults in a caring way that I need..
and instead of working in an English speaking environment..
I was sent to work as a secretary, entering data collected by field agents, in addition to the often translation of French documents to English..
and to make things better..
the NGO has requested the intern to be a female.. since 90% of the workers here are women and they'll be working with moms with AIDS.. instead they got a boy..
they also requested the intern to be French speaking.. obviously to communicate with ppl.. instead they got a very basic french speaking intern.. though I got the absolute confirmation that language will not be a problem..
What a great start!!

At that point, I called Fly Emarits to check the cost of plane tickets to north Africa and I contacted a french friend who lives in South Africa. I was exploring my options to know whether I should put up with this.. or do I have other alternatives.. the cost was really high.. and the 1400$ I paid for the ticket were too much to just walk out on.. so.. I decided to stay and see.. I can leave at any time as long as I have my passport.. so I decided to stay for a while.. at least lets explore the country.. I mean it's Africa.. there has to be something to see around here..

AIESEC promotes their internships to be a combination of professional+cultural experience.. well.. this is it for the professional part.. on the contrary.. the cultural part was good enough to compensate the first part.. and to make me stay for 7 more weeks..

Since I did not know when exactly am leaving.. and the max was 8 weeks.. i started travelling in the country and I decided to open to culture completely..
I eat what they eat.. no questions asked..
I ride what they ride.. no complaining..
I watch what they watch.. even though I dont understand a single word, except bonjour and merci..
of course this lead to an early cultural shock.. I didnt really understand what's going on.. am doing things i shouldnt be doing.. and so by the end of the 2nd week.. I decided that this ride is over.. now it's time to try to mix customs..
discuss values and reasons..
and by 4th week.. the differences were rising.. and from that date on.. I started applying my rules whenever possible.. and gently refuse and gradually learn to smoothly say NO..

Around the end of the 5th week.. and 3 weeks before returning home.. I started to miss home.. when I look at pictures of Wadi Rum.. I dont see an empty valley.. under the burning sun.. where only stupido would go.. it became beautiful to me.. am trying to point out what exactly i like now about it.. I cant.. anyway.. I wonder if I will feel the same when i get there?! or am I feeling so coz am in CI?! I'll tell you when i go there :)

so.. i started the mental preparation for my return.. and for 2 days.. I did a mistake.. I started telling myself: "............I'll do that when i get to Amman".. I dont have to wash my clothes; coz i'll do that when i go to amman, I dont have to eat well; coz i'll do that when i go to amman, etc.. and I immediately realized that if i keep doing that.. the 3 weeks will feel like 3 years.. and the only thing on my mind will be "when will I leave!!".. careful not to do that!!

Now, I have a week to go.. I'm finishing my job officially on Friday and having a few days to enjoy.. am thinking of what to do here and what souvenirs should I get?! I am open to suggestions :D


  1. Hi there!!

    Just wanna say I like this post very much.

    (What a scary reality show of an intern's mental process...but in my words it's both scary and beautiful.)

    Enjoy your time, and remeber there's still another challenge of re-integration ahead. (I know I'm super nagging, but still think better to remind.)

    Regarding suggestions would be pictures, cloth, and food, especially the pictures, since they're free. =P

    Have fun!!!

  2. I took your advice on the souvenirs :D

    Now that am home.. I should wrap up my experience.. but I just dont know where to start!!

