Friday, September 25, 2009

My first 4 weeks of internship in IC

So.. here I go.. writing my first blog.. lovely Chen talked me into it.. she's persuasive :)

It's funny that my VP finance Nidal Khoury is trying to sell me his new novel for 8$ this morning, the funny thing is that he tried to convince me by telling me that the revenue will go to AIESEC!! apparently he doesnt know what happened with me here in the Ivory Coast! and how much I love AIESEC now!

Here I'm, in the 4th week of my internship here in IC:
  • the jungles are amazing.. when I went to the real jungle.. I couldnt handle staying there for long.. it's really scary.. in the middle of it.. you can barely see anything.. trees are so high and branchy that in the middle of the day.. only little sun light passes through..
  • you can wear anything to any occasion, you can wear sandals and shorts to a business meeting..
  • the beach.. oh my god.. greenery.. ocean.. dancing.. volleyball.. food.. I didnt wanna go home..
  • villages.. the street festival.. dancing with the whole crowd in the street for hours.. music coming from everywhere.. ppl are crazy.. girls are sexy..
  • the sun shines only for 2-4 hours of the day, the rest is cloudy, and the sunblock tubes I brought with me are not required..

of course, as anything in life, there's a down side to it like food is so spicy that whenever I eat local food i cry.. and like you jump into a bus to take you to work and you find yourself
somewhere else coz the chauffeur changed his route today.. and sometimes it's a good thing but you dont feel comfortable like girls hitting on you all the time.. it starts nice.. being the center of attention.. but gets ugly when I dont show interest.. thanks to the advice of a previous intern here.. I have a girlfriend now.. we love each other so much.. am faithful to her.. that's why I cant fool around.. we talk online frequently.. she's waiting for me in Amman.. and most importantly.. she's imaginary.. that's the only way out..

A very big THANKS goes to my buddy, Alian Djahi, he's my roommate, @ buddy, tour guide, French teacher and my wingman in the bars..

So.. you got me Nidal.. you got me good.. am enjoying my internship.. and I love AIESEC.. still.. am not buying your novel..
